Smart Kitchen


Deutsche Bahn Smart Kitchen Prototyp

The customer commissioned us to conceptualize, manufacture and assemble a fully functional, full-size, yet nonetheless transportable and modular prototype of an onboard train kitchen, in order to perform functionality testing on replaceable kitchen components. This prototype required compatibility on a number of different ICE models. Prototype adaptability was also a requirement such as qualitative and quantitative adjustments to changes for example; amount of customers, amendment of offers etc.

The task was to integrate fully functional electrics (lighting and power), water and wastewater and finishing (color selection and surface texture and quality) using fixed train measurements. Our extensive knowledge on high qualitative surface finishing allowed us to proudly offer true-to-original finishing to the customer.

This smart galley functional mock up offers a ‘Plug & Play’ interface for a whole range of devices, e.g. coffee machine, dishwasher, steamer. This allows to replace electrical and hydro technical devices easily at stops along the train journey. Our tight-knit team means that we can provide absolute professionalism while focusing on the details and innovative approaches without losing track on the big picture.

This project also incorporates concept development, manufacturing and on-the-spot integration and assembly of a smart trolley, including active self-cooling. Previously, all cooling units in trains were cooled via a central cooling system. However, modular and individual cooling units now provide easy and accessible replacement of broken units.

Furthermore, this project entailed a tailor-made smart standard unit as well as the establishment of a complete connected infrastructure for the prototype.

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